Decorations and recognitions

According to records from 1918, Rudolf Maister received the following decorations during his military career in Austria-Hungary:

  • bronze military medal of merit on military ribbon (German: Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande der Militärverdienstkreuzes);
  • gold memorial medal on the Emperor’s jubilee 1898 (German: Goldene Jubiläunserinnerungsmedaille 1898);
  • jubilee cross 1908 (German Militärjubilänskreuz (1908)).

In the Kingdom of SHS, later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, he received:

  • order of the white eagle 3rd class with swords (Serbian: Orden Belog Orla sa mačevima trečeg reda);
  • the military cross of the Czechoslovak Republic; this was reported on 19 January 1921 by the newspaper Jutro;
  • order of St Sava 1st class (Serbian: Orden svetog Save prvog reda) which he received on 1 December 1933 as an honorary adjutant, a retired divisional general.
Red belega orla z meči tretje stopnje, 1919Order of the white eagle 3rd class with swords, 1919; kept by the Maister family.
Red svetega Save prve stopnje, 1933Order of St. Sava 1st class, 1933; kept by the Maister family.
Vojni križec Češkoslovaške republike, 1920Military cross of Czechoslovakia, 1920; kept by the Maister family.


Rudolf Maister was an honorary citizen of many cities that he had lived in or was associated with: Fram pri Mariboru, 1919; Kamnik, 1924 – Maister’s legacy – MMK; Maribor, 1933; and Kranj.

Maistrovo zahvalno pismo mariborskemu županu za obvestilo o častnem meščanstvuMaister's letter of thanks to the mayor of Maribor for the notice of honorary citizenship, 1933; kept by the PAM.
Predlog za razglasitev častnega meščana mesta Maribor 1933Proposal to declare Maister an honorary citizen of Maribor, 1933; kept by the PAM.
Diploma Rudolfa Maistra kot častnega meščana KamnikaRudolf Maister’s honorary citizen of Kamnik diploma, 1924; kept by MMK.

Memorial medals

Memorial medal of the Association of Fighters for the Northern Border 1918–1968 –  Maister’s legacy – NMS, MNOM

The commemorative medal of the Association of Fighters for the Northern Border was made on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the battles for the northern border in Carinthia (1918–1968). It was worn by Slovenian volunteers who had gone, after the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, to defend the northern national and ethnic border in Carinthia. The medal was designed by France Gorše. The Decorations Office in Belgrade and the Socialist Alliance of Working People of Yugoslavia in Ljubljana rejected it, so it was not included in the system of Yugoslav state decorations.

The face of the medal displays a portrait of General Maister in partial profile to the right. At the right edge is the signature of the medal’s designer, the sculptor France Gorše: FG. Along the edge of the medal’s face there is an inscription in Latin and Cyrillic: GENERAL RUDOLF MAISTER THE LIBERATOR OF SLOVENIA’S NORTHERN BORDER 1918. On the back, there is a simple relief of the SFR Yugoslavia and an inscription in Latin and Cyrillic on the edge: YUGOSLAVIA 1918 1968.

Red generala Maistra I. stopnje z meči
Order of General Maister 1st class with swords; kept by the VM SV.
Spomenica Zveze prostovoljcev – borcev za severno mejo 1918–1919
Medal of the Association of Volunteer Fighters for the Northern Border 1918–1919, designed by Franc Gorše, 1968; kept by NMS.
Zlata medalja generala Maistra z meči
Gold medal of General Maister with swords; kept by the VM SV.
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